Saturday, December 30, 2006

The Red Ball

bounced back into mp's life.
mp, of course, is back chasing it like an idiot. an idiot savant, but an idiot nonetheless.
the irony is, of course, that if the red ball decided it wanted to play a real game, there would be an mp-shaped hole through the nearest door.

mp has been warned by everyone to be careful.
but... well, it's the sexiest red ball that has ever bounced her way.

It's Almost Over

i guess the holidays are fun for a while. i got to walk around and look at lights, play with friends, and shop for mp... but i prefer warm days in the sun and trips to the beach. this christmas and new year were a lot less stressful, though. it's amazing how much more fun life is when it's not all about somebody else!

besides, i got my 3lbs of gourmet cookies, new collar, and new car harness. i scored!

I'm Not A Morning Puppy

in fact, i'm a crack o' noon kinda girl.

Thursday, December 28, 2006

I'm A Chick Magnet

oh, yeah. the ladies love me....

i took mp for an adventure today. we went on campus to return books, paperwork, and timesheets. i like elevators quite a bit, but freshly polished floors are my favorite! afterwards, we went to 2nd st and walked the whole circuit. she was very proud of me since i didn't jump on people, try to get at the food people were eating on the restaurant patios, or bark at other puupies. we went into whiskers, the body shop, and the gap; i liked the banana shower gel, but mp said we did enough damage at bed & bath yesterday. (that is one hell of a sale!)

people love me-- especially women. and a couple of guys... but let's get back to the curvy, good-smelling people. mp found out you don't need match when you've got a haute dog at your side. as a reward, she got me a great new collar & we raided the gourmet cookie bar at petco. while we were there, a scandanavian woman fondled me; if mp gets around to calling her, she can return the favor.

Saturday, December 23, 2006

The Hetero Date

m.p. went on a hetero date last night. yeah, i couldn't believe it, either. i'll pause for your reactions... and... stop. okay, then. here's what happened:

so, the boy in question is an interesting mix. in a rare turn, when "artist" does not mean "unemployed," he is a photographer/constructon worker. carpenter's union card in one hand, bfa in the other. it works. it works particularly well for mp, because she tends to like people who are really good at something. it doesn't matter what it is, as long as they are passionate about it. he's very comfortable with himself, in every way, and mp (swear on my kong) has actually spoken to him on the phone for extended lengths of time without wanting to chew her arm off. no, really-- it's true!

they went to very cool little tapas bar, and he wasn't terribly offended when mp said, "wow our waitress is really cute." although... he did ask later if he would have to wonder if mp would be checking out women whenever they went out. mp promptly told him that she would be, and he laughed and said, "well, now i don't have to wonder." always a good sign.

he waited a whopping 7 hours after they said good bye to ask mp out again.

then again, this was his view for the evening:

eh, don't be too impressed, the top had a lot more room once the bra came off.

Thursday, December 14, 2006

A New Technique

i've convinced mp to try a new way of picking up girls.
tomorrow, she's gonnaa take a bucket of kfc and hang out in front of lane giant, uh, bryant.

i'll let you know how it goes.

Wednesday, December 13, 2006

Pimptress Wants to Know...

what sammy looks like.

she also wants to let me watch--
she just doesn't know it yet.
don't worry, baby, i'm far less pervy than mp.

Saturday, December 09, 2006


it's not often that hockey makes me laugh out loud,
but in the ducks game against the lightning, dustin penner (#17)
made me laugh so hard my wiskers got spit on them.

marc denis lost his stick in the second period, and penner scored on him.
denis went and cried like a little bitch to the officials...
and, from the bench, penner yelled out, "Whaaaa."

seriously, if i can get mp to find it on youtube, i'll try to post it--
you have to see it to really get it. penner's road to the nhl
is actually really interesting. google him.

Tuesday, December 05, 2006

Sunday, December 03, 2006

A High Puppy is a Nice Puppy

sleeping all the time and ignoring duties? tongue hanging out like a shirt tag?

glassy eyes? inability to concentrate?

does your puppy have a drug problem?

i went back for my last check up on friday. they needed some x-rays of my leg to make sure everything was healed, so i got a little doggy sedation. oh, yes. i wanna be sedated. the x-rays looked good, my leg is healed (even though i still use three most of the time), but-- even better-- i was a lit puppy all afternoon.

my surgeon was dr. peter sebestyen from veterinary surgical specialists in tustin. if you tear, break, or thrash something that needs surgery i highly recommend them. i only bit a couple of people. well, okay, one person (twice), ut they were understanding about my high-maintenance disposition. you don't get this beautiful and then just let anyone touch you, you know! mp was happy because someone was with me 24hrs while i was there, and someone was available anytime by phone if she needed to check up on me at, oh 3am. yeah, she's like that.

the prices were about the same as the other places we called, but that isn't really a huge factor, because mp was not gonna be a cheap bastard when i comes to my health. of course, she's too broke to date much now, so she better meet some people who are used to paper napkins in their fine dining experiences. i'm worth it.

if you want to check out veterinary surgical specialists, go to:

there's also pictures of the pretty surgeons and stuff.

speaking of pretty! i have copies of my x-rays that i'll post sometime soon. i'm way too hot to keep those babies quiet.

ugh. speaking of babies. it looks like i'll be getting a little brother next week. he better step in line pretty quick and learn the rules: my house, my person, my rules. we'll see how quickly i train him.

Monday, November 27, 2006

What We Were Thankful For

of course, the last few games have seen multiple women exposed to the joys of hockey--
but that doesn't change m.p.'s hetero-crush on sammy.

The Return of Stretchy Pants

m.p. has been called fickle by the best of them. she is still chasing the red ball, but the pursuit is getting old. i think they'll have come to some sort of decision by the end of next month. but look at my past predictions and make your own decision about how much you want to wager on that.

so, there will a be a (how ever brief) return of stretchy pants. the fact that she knows about the stretchy pants reference and keep good humor about it is reason enough. there are, however, plenty of other qualities that make her one of the few to be recalled from the minors. the fact that she is very pretty helps.

she's still no red ball. that particular object of desire will be out of the country for a couple of weeks.... and then m.p. can start chasing again. game on.

a side note:
right now, flix is playing DIVA, an 80's movie that is one of the most underrated ever made. it is the sammy of movies. if you can spare the time, i highly recommend seeing it. there are some great 80's moments included with the price of your netflix.

Divorce Works on Her

Monday, November 20, 2006

We Love You Sammy

samuel pahlsson is the most underrated player in hockey.

the guy dominates in faceoffs, is defensively sound, and can throw the shoulder like nobody else.

deals like the pahlsson trade help make up for picking up porn stars.

Sunday, November 19, 2006


today marks six months on mf.
mp is currently 227, which is 73# less than what she started with.
more importantly, it's 173# less than what she weighed at her largest.

mp cannot deny that she feels the loss should be more rapid. it feels weird to have something she is so intimately linked to (her body) fight her at every turn. clearly, mp's ass feels the need to hold on to every ounce of lard it can. i have spoken, ad nauseum, to her thighs; one day, they might listen.

in the mean time, we just keep hoping for the best-- and not eating the worst.

inside, mp still feels like she weighs 400#. i don't know how, if that will change. it kills me sometimes. the body issues, are (of course) compounded by the new enemy: sagging skin. she has it. her thighs look like they are melting. her stomache is getting weird lumps in the middle where the residual fat is gathered. it is depressing and humiliating.... but, it is ours. we purchased this body through years of neglect. it is my hope that constant rennovation will leave this structure inhabitable once more.

Saturday, November 18, 2006

We Needed the NHL Pornstar, Why?

the ducks, up until recently, have been fantastic this season. but, to be honest, we love them even when they suck... and, in past seasons, boy have they sucked. sometimes, though, it's the moves made off the ice that make us cringe more than the ones the on ice.

remember that stupendous trade anaheim made with san jose in 2001? teemu selanne for jef friesen and steve shields. yeah, they gave up teemu for steve fucking shields. it was truly a moment of brilliance.

trading away todd fedoruk (injured or not) and wiggling around to get george parros is a bit like dropping johnny depp and replacing him with ron jeremy. yeah, i'm sure the product will be just as good. seriously. the fact that fedoruk could fight, AND skate, AND even find the back of the net once in a while should not detract anything thing from parros. after all, the guy moves with the agility of a hippo and scores as often as screech did on saved by the bell.

oh, yeah, he can fight.

don't get us wrong, fighting serves an important function in hockey, but the days of the goon are over. players are rennaissance men. they can do more than use their faces to block the fists of others.... look at shawn thornton's admirable performance while he was called up. thornton has game. parros has a mustache that calls for tube socks, gold chains, and "bow-chika-bow-bow" music in the background.

Friday, November 17, 2006

Let's Pretend We're in Jr High

mp has put out a survey for those (subjectively) lucky enough to have gone out with her. the results have been fascinating. really. i was so busy laughing at the way women called mp on her bullshit that i must have gone 4 hours without a single lick at my ass. don't worry, i made up for lost time....

so, anyway. mp continues to chase the red ball. it is very colorful and bouncy, but i'm pretty sure she's nering her limit. the irony, of course, is that the ball is the most amazing toy mp has ever come across-- even though she hasnt gotten to play with it yet.

they did a mini golf date last night. that's right! straight from the archives of junior high come-on rountines: putt putt.

it was actually fun and kind of sweet.... and (just like in junior high) nothing else happened. well, the ball was fun to watch as she lined up her shots, but that was thanks to a low cut shirt and... being well inflated. that is one tight, red ball.

i'm just saying.

the problem with mp is that she has been scarred so badly she is afraid of reopening them with someone else. it makes sense, really. i mean, if you eat the peking duk one night and spend the next three days peking in the toilet, you don't hurry back for more. this explains the multiple survey respondants (some of which i will post here at a later time).

but this red ball.... when it bounces in the street, mp just has to chase it.

after mini golf, mp introduced her to the art of a good mosey-- complete with an explaination about what differentiates a mosey from a stroll, a jaunt, and even a saunter. the red ball was a fantastic sport-- particularly when they decided that "i let you pay for miniature golf, so show me your room" had the potential to be a good line. unfortunately, mp just can't find the nerve to invite the ball to play a game. and the ball keeps bouncing. since this is part of her appeal, it creates a terrible sense of ambivalence in our reluctant, horny hero.

but, my god, it's fun to watch.

and, seriously, "i let you pay for golf, so you should show me your room" really is a great line.

Monday, November 06, 2006

Victoria's Secret...

is that when you take the bra off, your boobs go with it.

Sunday, November 05, 2006

Saved by the Borat

mp got out and laughed harder than she has in a really long time.
for a while, all the crap that has happened to her over the last several months was pushed aside.
of course, there was more sweaty, hairy, ass crack that any one person should have to endure,
but the company at her side was there to keep her eyes averted.

sasha baron cohen is a freaking genius.

Wednesday, November 01, 2006

The Thin Line Between Love and Weight

mp made an important decision yesterday.
she's had a secret for seven months. seven months as of today.
every time she feels happy, the memory of this secret pops into her head and poisons her from the inside out.
the secret has taken over her dreams.
the secret has shredded her heart.
the secret is coming out.

people who want to hurt others can do so in a number of ways.
they can treat you badly. they can manipulate you. they can hit you.
and sometimes it doesn't end there.

for 2 years, mp was humiliated by how much damage she allowed the ex to do to her.
she was even more humiliated by the fact that, when the ex decided to play martyr, mp stayed mute because of some ridiculous loyalty/love bullshit.
seven months ago today, the ex did the worst thing she could think of to mp, and my person just dropped her head a little bit more and took it. she felt rage, and hurt, and frustration, and disbelief... but she took it.

yesterday, as mp drove home from class, she couldn't get the sounds and smells and sights of that afternoon out of her head.
she found herself crying and repeating "you broke me" to thin air. why?
because she had swallowed the blame and guilt rather than speak when she could be heard.

the ex taunted mp with what she had done to her. repeatedly.
the whole situation was so surreal that my person didn't know what to do.
and then, 3 weeks ago, she was assigned to help someone doing their thesis on this very topic. and as she looked over the statistics, she realized that she was not alone. she was not alone in being victimized; she was not alone in her silence.

she was not alone in the overwhelming pain and constant suffering at the memories.
when mp broke down crying yesterday, she realized that she could speak. and even though it is emabarrassing, even though it is humiliating, it is the right thing to do.

someone asked if my person's choice of cookie monster panties was some sort of weird chastity belt.
the true answer is that it is. for the last 7 months, mp has been completely celibate. she isn't even down with herself.
she can't imagine putting herself in that position again-- the thought of it makes her feel physically ill. the feeling of someone else touching her hair makes her want to cry.

mp stayed silent because she had all of these conflicting feeling. she still felt love for the person she remembered from a long time ago. she couldn't wrap her head around how someone could do something so horrible to her. she couldn't get the weight of embarrassment off of her chest. the thing is, the weight of what happened grows heavier every day. it grows fat on the anguish it causes mp, and it is smothering her alive. my person has to make a choice:
keep explaining away the actions of someone she thought loved her, or be heard to try to unburden herself of that weight.

my person has an appointment to speak tomorrow.
i know it will not be easy.
but it's a step towards getting herself back.

Tuesday, October 31, 2006

Thursday, October 26, 2006

It Really is a Physical Education

this is the time when it all matters. the next two weeks count for almost everything. and even though it can be redone in 6 months, the obvious goal is to succeed the first time around. mp has been busy as hell. there just isn't enough time in the day, and every morning seems like a reminder that time is more valuable than anything tangible.

yesterday, on the way to a study group, mp found herself with a couple of other students, looking at two broken elevators. she barely hesitated before heading to the stairwell and climbing the five flights up. there was no stopping for breath, and she didn't slow down. when she hit the 6th floor, she really wasn't even out of breath.

two years ago-- hell, six months ago-- she probably wouldn't have even tried it.

mp sat down in the conference room and began taking notes... and in the back of her mind, she realized that although she had never taken a p.e. class on campus, one of the biggest lessons she would be taking away from her graduate experiences was that of physical education. people do look at the very overweight as being slow, sloppy, dumb, and worthless. most don't see merely chubby people that way, but the very obese are truly discriminated against. with every extra pound, we are forced farther and farther from the center of life's discourse until we teeter on the edge and, in some cases, fall off into a land of invisibility.

mp realized that she was reentering the conversation. little by little, she has been finding her voice again. luckily, she isn't too out of breath to use it.

Tuesday, October 24, 2006

Bouncing the Red Ball

i love mp, but good grief-- what a dork.

she got another date with the only person (as of the moment) she wanted a second date with.
everything went smoothly... at first.
when she went to pick up v, she was invited in, and saw that v had put careful attention into her appearance. good sign. she got the tour of the place. better sign. when they were deciding where to go to dinner, v let mp decide, and was elated at mp's choice. great! with everything going this smoothly, clearly it was just a matter of time before mp stepped in something brown and steamy.

dinner was relaxed but playful. after the meal, v went to the restroom, and mp paid the bill (she knew v would object, and she did...). when v came back, she trailed her hand across mp's shoulder on the way back to her seat. this should have been mp's signal that a little hand holding, a kiss, there were options there. walking back to the car on the waterfront would have been a good time. so, what did wonder skills do?

exactly. nothing.

if she'd had no interest in v, she would have perpetrated some ridiculous moves that (in all likelyhood) would have worked. confronted with someone really amazing, she practically dropped to the floor and faked a seizure. it was ugly. and, as was made obvious, it was not apprecited. mp did try to save face on the way home, but it's really up to v. one good point is that my person always "announces" her feelings. "i feel happy." "i feel sad." "i feel nervous." it's kind of cute, kind of sweet, and kind of annoying. mp's got the olsen twins of feelings.

the thing is.... like any other choke situation, it only happens when it matters.
and mp doesn't know if she's ready or even wants it to matter.
there's still a lot of personal work she wants to do; she is still reinventing herself.
but then she hears a voice or sees a face... and she can't stop smiling like a slow kid chasing a red ball in the middle of the street.

Sunday, October 22, 2006

Struck Out Looking

there are days when you are sorry that you decided to wear cookie monster panties.

a date that was supposed to be casual and fun ends up being casual and really fun. kissing leads to touching; touching leads to spooning.... and just before spooning can lead to forking, you remember that you decided to wear cookie monster underwear when you left the house. then you have a problem, because it can go either way. she will either laugh and ask you to wear your bert and ernies for the next date, or she can back away and wonder if you have a bedroom decorated straight out of highlights magazine.

so, while you may really want to make the run from 3rd and slide across the plate (the beautifully waxed, slippery plate), it is often a prudent move to wait and see what the next at bat will bring. wear adult underwear. at least for the first time. then bust out with all the "cheeky monkey" 3D-eared chonies you want. there is no shame in waiting with a good lead off base.

other times, it's just better to strikeout looking.

just hold steady, and watch the date fly by. don't blink; don't move, lest it be misinterpreted. hold very still; play dead. she might nuzzle you a little to make sure you don't need to be eaten-- but as long as you don't flinch, she will probably walk away. scenarios where this is appropriate? anytime she shows up for a date wearing stretchy pants. combine stretchy pants with sneakers, and you are allowed to fake your own death.

another situation that warrants a purely defensive position? overt hypocracy and sloth. girls that have had a bypass and proceed to wolf down more food than an nfl linebacker are disturbing because of the complete lack of self-awareness. seriously, it's ok if you're fat. it's ok if you aren't. it's ok if you diet. it's ok if you don't. but it is never acceptable to have a bypass surgery without making an attempt at changing eating habits and then continuing to eat like a rock star. rock stars at least have the added benefit of meth. perhaps that combo would have been better than having your stomache stapled so that you could see if two pieces of birthday cake really would fit in the pouch... hold your swing; you've been matched against someone who plays in a different league.

Saturday, October 21, 2006

Stay Focused

And She Declared...

all of a sudden, i could just be myself-- the real me, not the me hiding a huge secret. and, it turns out the real me is a very confident (but very gentle) alpha femme. i lost sight of this under all of my blubber. hey, if it can hide your feet, it can hide your personality. i can see them both again.

Friday, October 20, 2006


Who Needs Piddle Pads?

last year, mp told me a story about a shopping trip she had taken with the ex.

they had gone to ontario mills to do a little shopping, and the ex was trying on clothes in the gap outlet while mp watched. yeah, my person is pervy like that. anyway, all of a sudden, the ex announces that she has to pee. mp told her to change and she'd have the fitting room girl hold the clothes for when they got back. the ex said that she doubted she would make it, and proceeded to piss all over the floor. yeah, that's right. she pissed all over the floor.

i haven't peed on the damn floor (without being locked inside for more than 14 hours) since i was a very young pup... yet there was the ex, standing in her own filth, looking at mp for answers. luckily, the floor was linoleum, and not carpet. mp, being sensitive and empathetic to a fault, went out into the larger fitting area, told the attendant that she had been clumsy and spilt a soda (must have been mt dew, huh?) and asked for a handful of towels. she then mopped up the ex's urine, rolled the towels up, and carried them out to the trash (concealed in a purse. when she came back, she kissed the ex's forehead, said, "everybody makes mistakes," and cleaned the floor again with a damp towel.

i would have rubbed that freakin' bitch's nose in it. i know that some of my people need piddle pads, but that is ridiculous. and it is far from the only time that mp cleaned up the ex's mess-- of the same and other varieties. too bad it takes so many people so long to realize that you shouldn't shit on the people who treat you well. if you do, you will eventually be left knee deep on your own mess.

mp is so close to the new life she has dreamed of for years. everything is right there. she can touch it, she can feel it, she just needs to hold on and bring it close. either way, i will love her, because i know that she loves me even when i make mistakes... and that is why i try not to make them.

we want to know that someone will eventually love us enough to protect our dignity and feelings no matter what the risk to their own. we want to know that someone will love us enough not to crap on things indiscriminately. that's where the real balance of happiness lies... knowing you can, but caring enough that you don't.

Tuesday, October 17, 2006

Bundled and Muddled

m.p. inherited a wool, 3/4 length, london fog coat from the ex last year.
it's a size large, and i remember thinking how tiny she was getting when we bought it. it's double breasted, so there is a lot of extra fabric in the front if you leave it open. last year, she gave it to m.p. and told her to wear it open (it still wouldn't close in front).
m.p. tried it on today.
the damn things fits, buttons, and looks good.
a large coat fits.
i seriously remember how proud we were of the ex when she bought it. we just thought she looked amazing.
m.p. can't see herself as being that same size. but the same coat fits. we stood there in front of a mirror, and stared at this buttoned up coat...
and m.p. couldn't recognize herself anymore.

Monday, October 16, 2006

"If You Don't Believe in Same Sex Marriage, Then Don't Marry Someone of the Same Sex."
-Wanda Sykes

TV: The Other, Other Form of Sex

as i have blurted out before, network tv is a good substitute for sex.
actually, all tv is, it turns out.

grey's anatomy is better than i ever thought it would be. they do need to add a mclesbo, though. it's only fair.

how i met your mother is probably the best show on tv. period. it's smart, it's funny, it's timely. it's everything i want in a partner. when i hump the screen, it doesn't tell me it hates the way it looks in this light.

dexter is good. of course, any time i see michael hall and a bald black man on the same screen i expect sodomy. i demand it, damnit! it's the way things should be.

lost. everyone loves it. i just love the fact that abc puts all of their primetime shows online so that jackasses that can't always remember to tivo can catch up. i'd look sheepish, but i have no thumbs, so i think i deserve a freakin' break. i also have to fight m.p. for the remote on hockey night, and that bitch plays dirty.

so, m.p. is getting out, geting love, getting life. but tv is the mental porn that keeps her from crossing that line. we snuggle and chill together and she uses the mental break to decide where she wants to go next. it keeps her from crossing that line out of need, loneliness, boredom.... yeah, that line. the ugly line-- inside or out. one date has said that network tv will not stay a substitute for sex much longer. interestingly enough, this came from the one person m.p. can see passing the remote to. maybe that's a good sign.

Sunday, October 15, 2006

"even the worst, most intractable mistake beats the hell out of never trying."
-- g. a.

Still Moving, Still Living

m.p. was plateaued for a long while.
it was hard on her, but even though the scale didn't move, her clothes got looser.
she calorie cycled; she workout out hard; she eased up.
she went out and had fun; she styed in and brooded.

she ultimately lowered her carbs, raised her fat intake, and dropped some weight.

she realized that no matter how slow or fast it came,
the journey was the right one.

and she has always been moving in the right direction.

The Kandinsky Dance

i like the hot mess.
i love the passionate, unstable, undefined, colorful, early, bleeding, loud, thick, gutteral, chaotic, enmeshed, contrasting, real, familiar, wet, stained, confusion.

i love the unconfined and irrational beauty like i love early kandinsky. i love the uncertain passionate moments that i know will lead to recognition if i look hard enough.... and i love the option to not look. the warm glow i feel looking at the hot mess still draws me in more than clear lines and definite shapes. the future will always bring change, and (in most cases) clarity.... but i will always feel the draw of the hot mess.

Saturday, October 14, 2006

when i put out the declarative that i wouldn't share
i didn't realize that what i was really saying is that
i won't share me.

it isn't time.

i will, however, lease m.p. for the right amount.

Friday, October 13, 2006

What is Real?

i love ugly betty.
i do.
it's not just because m.p. thinks america ferrera is hotter than the sun.
it's not because it's lite and fluffy.
it's just...
"Real women snort when they laugh; they've got fat asses, wobbly upper arms, and get pms."
that's why i love ugly betty.

it's real.
...and sometimes it's hard to know what's real when everything around you is changing.

m.p. went on a sorta date last night.
well, she wasn't sure how to define it, and her companion for the evening declared that it was a date. m.p. still wasn't sure, or (since we are still talking about the committmentphobe) wasn't ready to acknowledge it. hours later, as she drove v home, she realized that it had been one of the best dates she had been on in many years. and she doesn't know why.

there was a meeting for coffee that somehow exceeded two hours in a blink. that segued into dinner, which lasted close to another two hours. m.p. would have sworn it had only been 20 minutes. her nervous-talking-thing (which she freely owns) was appreciated for the good natured banter that it is, and v made her feel as comfortable as if she had known m.p. for years. all of this came crashing down as m.p. dropped her companion off with hug.

as she drove away, she realized that she actually wants to see v again.

how scary is that?

the casual meeting somehow stretched into an evening. and the evening somehow flipped into desire. real desire. not "well, i want someone to hang out with" need. not "oh, she's ok, but there's better" want. not "hmmm, she's ok" interest. m.p. drove away wanting her. thinking about her. desiring her.

that has not happened more than 3 or 4 times in her life.

will they go out again? who knows. v spoke about future dates; they did the good night/thanks for the evening text after the date ended. but these things change with distance, time, and life. what is certain was that last night was real. all of my person was exposed, and the interest was still mutual. as the night flowed, m.p. realized that the insecurities she felt from the past needed to stay there, because others had no idea of what she felt insecure about. they don't see the 400# oaf that m.p. still feels like. they don't see a fat wall. according to the last couple of dates, they see charm, wit, and a great smile.

m.p. realized that she no longer stood out unless she caused herself to...
and she is no longer invisible.

and (scariest of all) she realized that she is still capable of feeling something real.

Monday, October 09, 2006

Showdown in the Petsmart

a muzzle, some rope, 3 girls, and some clippers.
m.p. on another first date?
nope. it was time for the petsmart showdown.

every couple of months, i need a little grooming help. i can do most of it myself, but like a fat girl in a girdle, sometimes i need an extra hand. nails are the first thing strangers notice about a girl. when i run up and throw my feet in the air, my toe-tingers are all splayed out there for people to see. so, i have to make sure they are always neat and clean, and this requires a little puppy-pedi action every so often. really, hygiene is important, and i don't mind the brushing or baths (as long as they come in a bag), but nobody messes with my toes. we had a discussion at home about this, and after the stitches were put in, my person agreed that puppy-pedis were a luxury she could afford.

so, earlier, we rolled down to the long beach location (despite the fact that there are several 10 miles closer to the house), because my person is fucking horny and can't seem to acclimate to a lesbian-free environment. i walked in, and announced my presence with a howl and growl session. since we've been going there for 4 years, they already had assistants coming over to help with my spa treatment. yeah, two girls holding me while one does the work, 'cause i'm sexy like that. one of them was extra fine, so i wagged my tail and smiled at her. when she smiled back and went to pet me, i bit her. hey, i'm not that easy.

5 minutes later, i was bundled up like lillybelle lector. muzzled, tethered, pinned, and pet.

with every clack of the clippers, i reminded them that the muzzle would have to come off sometime-- and then we'd see who was in charge. what was my person doing during this time? oh, playing with the hair of the chubby employee who couldn't stop gushing about how good she looked and how much smaller she is. yeah, that's right. i was being mauled, and she was trying to hook up. typical. this is exactly why i usually leave her ass at home.

after my pedi, we went down the isles, and she let me pick out a treat. i chose some greenies. i like them-- and they're the most expensive, so i ripped the biggest bag they had right off the shelf. greenies everywhere and other dogs going in for the swipe. person scurrying to get them up. hot girl laughing at my person's predicament. one proud puppy chewing calmly on her prize. just for good measure, i threw up a little when the girl invited us to walk over to in-n-out for her lunch break. sure, i love a good double-double, plain and dry-- but m.p. is on a diet and abstaining for a while. i'm just looking out.

after all, i didn't want her to be tempted to put something... fatty... in her mouth.

Sunday, October 08, 2006


i'm my person's soulmate.

yeah, she didn't buy it t first, either...

but, she had lovers and long relationships; hell, she's only been single for 11 of the last 168 months.
she's had friends, best friends, bar friends, and naked friends.
she's had experiences, and jobs, and dreams....
and the only thing she is sure of, the only thing she knows she will never leave behind, is me.
i don't think i could enjoy my kibble, chase squirrels, or bark at delivery trucks without her.

we are each other's bestest friends. shiny objects may distract us, but they will never tear us apart.
even the crazy, dog hating girl with the amazing rack got the boot--
and she was rich, easy, and came with free airfare.

that is love.

now, if i can just get her to stop frenching me.
jesus, i've seen some of the places her mouth has been;
i have to lick my ass right after to feel clean again.

Off to a Good Start

the ducks are 2-0. i think that's a first. i'd look it up, but i've always been a lazy puppy. either way, they are playing solid, smart, physical hockey, and this season is looking like it will be fun to watch. my person will probably leave me alone so that she can catch a few at the honda center, but that just gives me time to stretch out, drink beer, and growl at the tv in peace. i do miss our goal celebrations, though. when my leg heals, we can get back into the routine. it involves a little jumping, a little dancing, a bit of howling.... i'll upload some video if she lets me.

my person's winter is also off to a good start. everything is falling into place. everything is coming along like it was meant to be. she wants to drop another 40# before snowboarding lessons, and i believe she will do it. i think she's pretty determined, because i heard her mumbling to herself about a home liposuction kit. it's time to go through the clothes pile again, even though the numbers on the scale haven't moved a lot. i still don't get that. the pudge has to have gone somewhere. it's a mystery, and (as soon as i'm done chasing my tail) i'll get right on it.

Wednesday, October 04, 2006

Hockey Season Starts Today

Tuesday, October 03, 2006

Then and Now



Strength of will keeps my person going.

Monday, October 02, 2006

Day 135

today, my person turned 31.
today, my person hit 240.
today, my person moved out of the morbidly obese category.

she has worked hard for the last 135 days, and she has lost 60#.
that comes out to .444 pounds a day.
she works out 3-4x a week.
she smiles a lot more.

she understands that her value should have never been in question.
she went to ny&co and bought off the rack.
she went to dinner and didn't feel like people were wondering why the fat girl needed to eat.
she wore a jacket that she bought a size too small 3 weeks ago, and it fit beautifully.

she threw out old reminders that were given as an emotional bribe because she realized that,
for the last few years, she allowed herself to be given scraps as payment for the security her presence gave.
it's time for a little freestyle.

Thursday, September 28, 2006

Absit Iniuria Verbis

one of my person's friends decided she didn't want to be friends anymore because my person chose to lose weight to be healthier, to be able to do more things, and (yes) to look better. it seems that the latter was the biggest source of ire to the "feminist" sensibilities behind this choice. but, isn't it up to my person to be able to choose to change her appearance if it does not please her? if the body is her temple, shouldn't she be able to choose how to decorate it?

i see people who want fat acceptance to be common place. i agree that fat people are people; there is no reason or excuse for anti-fat discrimination. but if someone can choose to be fat, another should be able to choose to be thin. and yet, that is not the case with many people.

my person will never be thin. but she can be thick, chubby, what have you. she just chooses at this point to not be morbidly obese anymore. fat and fit is possible. my person was very healthy, even at her highest weight... until you look at the stress 400# put on her oints and the chronic fatigue she felt. so she chose change.

what bothers me is the fact that a lot of people in the f.a. movement look down on skinny people (particularly women). they will often comment on the anorexic and borderline underweight celebrities with disdain. why is the double standard acceptable? if fat and healthy is okay, why isn't anorexic and healthy? can one be anorexic and truly healthy? this pup doesn't know. can one truly be 300# and healthy?

Weight does impact health. It also impacts social standing and perceived attractiveness. It's true that this is probably not fair, but attraction isn't limited to weight alone. I know a lot of fit people with butter faces. My person, god love her, is a sucker for a thick latina. (really, she has no control around a cute, chubby, brown girl; it's sickening the way she'll act like a fool for a chunky babe.) The point is, we can't tell people that they must decide that fat people are hot. we can demand that they see fat people as equals, as valued members of society... but no one can dictate what one person finds attractive. would it be possible to convince someone deeply connected to the fat acceptance movement to find anorexic people attractive?

that's really all i want to say about that.

my person made a decision and has worked towards her goal safely, using diet and exercise. she did not have surgery. she does not force herself to purge. she uses self restraint and she sweats. i think that's freaking awesome. what i think is even better is the fact that she does not allow others to dictate how she should live-- no matter how much she likes them.

sadly, this picture is pretty representative of the way most people see fatties.
my person is fat. and, no matter how much weight she loses, she will still be a fat girl at heart for a long, long time.
but i'm sick of seeing people who demand one-sided "equality."

Who's the Lucky Bitch?

my person is always telling me that i'm a lucky bitch because, well, i'm a girl puppy... and i get to lay around and be a menace all day. all of my whims are catered to; i get to rule the house (or, at least, the room for now).

but today, i confronted her and told her that SHE is a lucky bitch, too.
she basically fell into a job that she loves so much she would do it for free.
she is finishing up her degree-- one that wasn't even contemplated 3 years ago.
she is fitter and healthier than ever.
she's happy.

and, of course, i let her be seen with me in public, which makes her the luckiest bitch of all.

Sunday, September 24, 2006


"Happiness isn't happiness without a violin playing goat."
-- Notting Hill

i'm just saying...

Saturday, September 23, 2006

No More Living on the Aisle

when my person first went back to school, she would never have been able to predict where she would be three years later. it was a long journey-- that's for sure. not all of the changes were good. the person she loved died and was reincarnated as a... well, not a nice person. she lost her stability, her happiness, and (for a while) the will to live. she learned what it feels like to live a lifetime movie of the week.

but, you know what? she survived. we survived-- together. sure, i look like i got run over by a bus full of drag queens, but pink is festive. and, yeah, my person will be in debt for a while, but i'm willing to pull some fishnets up over my stump and tramp on out to the dog park to help. we're a team.

the biggest differene is in my person, on my person.

when she went back to school three years ago, she was 400lbs. it was pretty much a given that she would be the biggest person in any class. it was hard for her to get around campus, since everthing is on a hill-- and, let's face it, even when it wasn't on a hill, it was no picnic. when she would finally get to her class, there was the desk issue. white or blue.

the white desks were more stable and slightly, very slightly, larger than the blue desks. she truly could not fit in the blue desks. but there was often only one or two white desks available. if these were taken, she would have to kind of... lean in sideways and half hang out of her desk-- hoping nothing broke. her ass and thighs would go numb. she was humiliated, because as casual as she tried to appear, everyone knew. it was almost enough to make her quit.

instead, she missed as many classes as possible without failing.

sometimes the white desks would be available, but stuck in the back of the room, between rows of normal people. my person could fit down those rows-- sideways, brushing against others, hoping she would not have to step over backpacks that were too large. being that big really fucks with the coordination and balance, and (let's face it) my person has never been particularly graceful. so, she would often feel bitter self loathing boiling up as she chose whatever desk was easiest to get to, and then suffer physically and emotionally for the next 100 minutes.

to avoid this, she tried to get to campus early whenever possible so she could stake out the right desk and move it around if neccessary so that she was on an outside aisle. my person spent 2 years on an outside aisle. this system did nothing for her second or third class in the day when she was usually puffing in a few minutes late because it took her forever to get across campus. she actually would arrange her schedule whenever possible so that she was in the same building from class to class, not out of laziness, but embarrassment at huffing and puffing in front of 40 other people who knew all she had done was walk from one building to another.

even when she could get one, the white desks were no picnic. her stomache still had to be arranged so that the table part didn't cut into her too badly. her thighs were still mashed up under the top, pushed and packed by too much ass. it was horrible. and it killed her a little bit every day. but she went, because she wanted to be able to offer someone else the world.

now, she lives for herself and for me. i won't detail how my person made the changes in her life; i've done that in other places.

my person starts her last quarter on wednesday. she is not going back thin; she is still fat. but she is 160lbs lighter than when she started. she does not need to worry about what desk, or where. she does not have to feel ashamed about being out of breath, because even if it does happen, she recognizes that the exertion is good for her-- and she does it in the gym, on purpose, 4 days a week. she does not take it for granted that she will be the fattest person in the room, but she does not look to capitalize on the misery of others. she knows that even when her education ends, her transformation will continue. and that is what keeps her light, inside and out.

my person feels good about herself, and she is looking good to others because of it. most importantly, she has picked up an invaluable education over the last 3 years. the masters degree will be nice; hopefully, she'll get to do a job that makes her feel fulfilled. the real education, however, was obtained through 2 years of misery at home and 3 years of perseverance at school. she has learned that she deserves only the best, because she is the best. she has learned that she can do things on her own, but a little help should always be accepted, because a lack of humility is the sign of the truly weak. she has learned that the physical self is as important as the mental self-- despite what people who don't want that to be true try to argue. she has learned that she is attractive to other people as long as she is in love with herself.

she does not need to live on the aisle anymore. she does not need to pick a desk for how it fits her....

now she can choose to be where she wants to be and not just languish where she thinks she will fit in.

Friday, September 22, 2006

It's Not What It Looks Like

...but you're still jealous, aren't you?

I, too, am Bringing Sexy Back

that's right. i'm a sexy bitch.
with my shaved ass, my puppy smell, and my pink cast, no one will be able to resist me.

this experience has shown me how much my person loves me and how strong the bond between us is. Who else would max out credit cards and stay up all night for me? Who else would risk not graduating (dodged that bullet though, whew!) to make sure I'm not alone while on new medication? Who else would rub my face as the sedatives kick in and let me french her for hours in my drugged stupor?

We love each other. I bit a vet tech that came near her to prove it.

Me and my homo are a family.

She is looking good, too.
Not as good as I will when I have some black fishnets over this pink hot-stick, but still... she's turning heads and breaking hearts. Okay, turning heads and taking numbers....


Saturday, September 16, 2006

How Could This Happen?

I'm just a puppy.
I'm my person's bestest friend.
I'm happy and sweet.

I'm in pain.
I'm in deep doo-doo....

It was only 2 weeks until the blessing of the animals.
I hope I get to see it.
My person can't make it without me.

Thursday, September 14, 2006

How Quickly They Forget

my person, for all of her great qualities, has short term memory issues.
it's what kept her with an abusive partner;
it's what makes her impulsive sometimes;
it's what makes her endlessly forgiving and sweet....

it's also what bites her on the ass when it comes to dating.

she forgets that women are never really honest about what they want unless they are positive about how their revelations will be received. telling a woman that you only want to date and have fun is simple; her response is not. if they say, "oh, yeah, me, too!" it means they want something serious and think you are just being guarded with your feelings. if they say, "i understand," then they probably do. do not tell the former about weekend plans; do not be honest about your dating unless specifically asked.

my person needs to carve this into the fabric of her long term memory, because women are great-- but they are crazy.
men are not any better.... three calls in three days is reason to run! but that is a story for a different day.

Saturday, September 09, 2006

"People aren't good or evil.
People change, that's all.
Or rather, change into something else.
What matters is seeing and understanding what they change into.
They're like little devils.
Overnight, they become heavier, lighter,
darker, slower, tenser, sweeter,
harder or more human."
--Cold Showers

Wednesday, September 06, 2006

She's Back!

my person finally came back to me! yay!

i asked her about her trip, and at first she wouldn't tell me, but i repeatedly licked her face-- alternating with my ass-- and she eventually saw it my way. my person didn't raise no dumb doggies.

the run down:

stayed on plan: check!

gambled without losing the house: check!

amazing day at the spa: check!

jacuzzi with naked women: check!

one of those "what happens in vegas stays in vegas moments": check!
well, check 3x...

caught up with friends: check!

out until dawn: check!

here's most* of the story,
in her words....

i'm back from vegas.
let's just say... it was very good for my ego.

i stayed on plan-- except for missing a meal or two. i just wanted to get that out of the way. there way no drinking, carousing or debauchery. ok, there was no drinking...

i ended up going alone and caught up the first night with old friends that moved out there. we went to dinner and i had water, a 6oz (pre-cook weight) steak and broccoli with water. yeah, i'm a rebel. food-wise, the whole trip was a 5 & 1 (or 4 & 1 on a day or two).

the second day was my spa day. i got a massage, and i hung out in the jacuzzi & wet steam room with a bunch of other naked women. i'll be doing that again. women, as it turns out, away from the eyes of men are a bit pervy. it was amazing to watch what happens when people don't worry about what someone they know will say. frankly, i wish i knew some of those nuts in real life, because they were having a time and a half.

day three involved outlet shopping. i found a new pair of nike trail runners for an amazing price, 2 purses, and a pair of my favorite sunglasses. long story short, the sunglasses salesman apparently liked me well enough, because he gave me his employee discount and saved me $100. yeah... i got O's for 50 bucks-- what a sweetie bear! i also tried on a leather coat from wilson's- normal size. the fit was amazing. i'm going to wait, because maybe i'll be able to buy a smaller size by the time i need it! while i was in wilson's, i asked a group of two women and a man what they thought of the chocolate colored bag i was thinking about getting-- ie, "does it make my ass look bigger." the women loved the purse-- and (according to him) the guy (their dad) loved my ass. what can i say? i did ask for their opinions....

after that, i went to the aladdin. i was at the tables for maybe 15 minutes when i was picked up on the first time. his name was mike, and he had 4 foot shoulders and amazing lips. he was hitting on me in front of his friends, which is a-ballsy, and b-makes a statement about where he sees me on a scale of 1-10. persistance paid off, and i gave him my number-- mainly figuring it's vegas and the odds are that this ends right here.

then i went to sephora. and met N. uhmm. yeah. i think it's was 2 hours before i could remember how to speak again.

after a lng lunch, i hit another outlet mall. i didn't buy anything, but i probably walked an additinal 5 miles. in heels. what a bad idea!

as soon as i returned to the hotel, mr mike called. i figured-- sf law student, around my age, fairly normal-- why not go have a good time. so we met up at a nicer hotel lounge on the strip. i can now say that i know where old white people go to dance in vegas. i was pretty upfront about my preferences, and (like all men) he didn't care. go figure.
it was freaking awesome to be sitting by the canal at 2 in the morning in dry 90 degree heat watching people and talking with someone i'd know les than 4 hours. why? because i realized i am truly single-- and ready to behave like it!

N. she told me i was perfect. that means a lot coming from some whose job it is to sell things to make women prettier.... my god, she was beautiful. i almost stayed an extra day to take her out tonight, but it was really pointless since i still live 280 miles away. come december, though...

i digress.

i got rousing cheers from the men at the craps tables (in every casino, because apparently non-dog women are good luck); way too many hands on my shoulder and friendly hugs from stranger (there are no boundries observed by single men in vegas); carded more than once (i turn 31 in a month!); called "young lady" constantly-- and i mean at least once every 15 minutes (and i don't know how i feel about that); helped by every male dealer at any table i played at (usually you have to ask); had my stuff carried up to my room by a bell hop who waited in line with me as i checked in (wtf?!?).

so... uhmm. yeah. i feel a little confident. i went to a place where i usually feel very anonymous and ended up feeling like a rock star. i waited for nothing. i had to ask for nothing. it was surreal. do all single women experience this? i've been missing out!

for the record, my adventures are still very chaste. i have no need to seek validation by getting physical/sexual with someone just so i know they "like me." that's just pathetic. but i do love to meet new people and live large (ha ha). on the way to vegas, i got texts messages of well-wishes and can't-wait-til-you're-back from 4 people. one call from a girl i've been seeing a couple of months- and she called later to "make sure (i) got in ok." for the record, that's "i'm making sure you went alone" in girl-speak. one call from someone who has a lot of potential-- and isn't THAT scary! i never really realized how rich my life has become until i stepped out of my routine and got a new perspective. it rocks!

Wednesday, August 30, 2006

sometimes it is not the avalanche that destroys--
it is the snowball that gathers size and speed
over the time and distance it travels.

Friday, August 18, 2006


Monday, August 14, 2006

It Still Amazes Me...

it still amazes me how much someone can change. maybe it isn't so much that they change as they can no longer conceal their true selves. it amazes me how painful it is... to love someone still, so totally, and yet know that they are unworthy, undeserving, and horrible. it amazes me how painful it is to have to admit that someone who is loved is, inside, a truly horrible person.

it amazes me that people can lie so much that they begin to believe their own stories. it amazes me that someone would throw away unconditional love in order to get attention from people who do not care about them. it amazes me that, after two years of lies and pain, i can still be amazed.

yet here i am.

my puppy feelers still droop at the thoughts-- especially the good ones, because they make the bad memories even harder to believe. how can those actions have been real? surely the fake person, the horrible person, the lying person was just all part of a dream....

i struggle to wake up sometimes, and it is like i am treading molasses.... and then i realize that the dream is real. i actually know someone so desperate for any kind of attention that she would shit all over the one person who genuine cared for her, about her. i realize that she already knows what she lost, and that she will continue to make any situation she can worse-- because without chaos she feels nothing.

and it still amazes me.

i don't know how long it will take for her to feel the pain. i don't know how long it will take for her to realize the price she has paid for "acceptance." i do know that one day it will come. and i feel bad for her, despite my own pain. and that amazes me most of all.

Thursday, August 10, 2006



Sunday, August 06, 2006



Friday, July 28, 2006

Waxing Chaotic



My Confession

i told you about the shameful things i did when i was a young pup.

i think it was my first or second post on here.

today, i received news that the person who took those terrible pictures is selling them to the daily papaz; i have to air my laundry here first.

these are the photos of a young, naive dog who needed the money. i really thought they were "art" photos. i never dreamed it would come to this.

my person says she still loves me. she understands. i can't believe i almost took my collar off. i am so ashamed. i wish the paparazzi would just leave me alone! it's so hard so be a rich, sexy dog these days. why can't they go rent one night in paris and leave me be!

Tuesday, July 18, 2006

I Snore

i snore loud. i snore long. i snore like i swallowed a tractor.

i am puppy, hear me roar.

my person sometimes has to tell me to roll over. it tuns out that approach doesn't really work all that well with puppies. this puppy is a rock star, and i've got a concert going on every night. now playing: muzzle madness. if you don't like it, sleep somewhere else. but, just to warn you, my person told me that you can hear me from the street if you walk by at night when it's quiet.