my person finally came back to me! yay!
i asked her about her trip, and at first she wouldn't tell me, but i repeatedly licked her face-- alternating with my ass-- and she eventually saw it my way. my person didn't raise no dumb doggies.
the run down:
stayed on plan: check!
gambled without losing the house: check!
amazing day at the spa: check!
jacuzzi with naked women: check!
one of those "what happens in vegas stays in vegas moments": check!
well, check 3x...
caught up with friends: check!
out until dawn: check!
here's most* of the story,
in her words....
i'm back from vegas.
let's just say... it was very good for my ego.
i stayed on plan-- except for missing a meal or two. i just wanted to get that out of the way. there way no drinking, carousing or debauchery. ok, there was no drinking...
i ended up going alone and caught up the first night with old friends that moved out there. we went to dinner and i had water, a 6oz (pre-cook weight) steak and broccoli with water. yeah, i'm a rebel. food-wise, the whole trip was a 5 & 1 (or 4 & 1 on a day or two).
the second day was my spa day. i got a massage, and i hung out in the jacuzzi & wet steam room with a bunch of other naked women. i'll be doing that again. women, as it turns out, away from the eyes of men are a bit pervy. it was amazing to watch what happens when people don't worry about what someone they know will say. frankly, i wish i knew some of those nuts in real life, because they were having a time and a half.
day three involved outlet shopping. i found a new pair of nike trail runners for an amazing price, 2 purses, and a pair of my favorite sunglasses. long story short, the sunglasses salesman apparently liked me well enough, because he gave me his employee discount and saved me $100. yeah... i got O's for 50 bucks-- what a sweetie bear! i also tried on a leather coat from wilson's- normal size. the fit was amazing. i'm going to wait, because maybe i'll be able to buy a smaller size by the time i need it! while i was in wilson's, i asked a group of two women and a man what they thought of the chocolate colored bag i was thinking about getting-- ie, "does it make my ass look bigger." the women loved the purse-- and (according to him) the guy (their dad) loved my ass. what can i say? i did ask for their opinions....
after that, i went to the aladdin. i was at the tables for maybe 15 minutes when i was picked up on the first time. his name was mike, and he had 4 foot shoulders and amazing lips. he was hitting on me in front of his friends, which is a-ballsy, and b-makes a statement about where he sees me on a scale of 1-10. persistance paid off, and i gave him my number-- mainly figuring it's vegas and the odds are that this ends right here.
then i went to sephora. and met N. uhmm. yeah. i think it's was 2 hours before i could remember how to speak again.
after a lng lunch, i hit another outlet mall. i didn't buy anything, but i probably walked an additinal 5 miles. in heels. what a bad idea!
as soon as i returned to the hotel, mr mike called. i figured-- sf law student, around my age, fairly normal-- why not go have a good time. so we met up at a nicer hotel lounge on the strip. i can now say that i know where old white people go to dance in vegas. i was pretty upfront about my preferences, and (like all men) he didn't care. go figure.
it was freaking awesome to be sitting by the canal at 2 in the morning in dry 90 degree heat watching people and talking with someone i'd know les than 4 hours. why? because i realized i am truly single-- and ready to behave like it!
i digress.
i got rousing cheers from the men at the craps tables (in every casino, because apparently non-dog women are good luck); way too many hands on my shoulder and friendly hugs from stranger (there are no boundries observed by single men in vegas); carded more than once (i turn 31 in a month!); called "young lady" constantly-- and i mean at least once every 15 minutes (and i don't know how i feel about that); helped by every male dealer at any table i played at (usually you have to ask); had my stuff carried up to my room by a bell hop who waited in line with me as i checked in (wtf?!?).
so... uhmm. yeah. i feel a little confident. i went to a place where i usually feel very anonymous and ended up feeling like a rock star. i waited for nothing. i had to ask for nothing. it was surreal. do all single women experience this? i've been missing out!
for the record, my adventures are still very chaste. i have no need to seek validation by getting physical/sexual with someone just so i know they "like me." that's just pathetic. but i do love to meet new people and live large (ha ha). on the way to vegas, i got texts messages of well-wishes and can't-wait-til-you're-back from 4 people. one call from a girl i've been seeing a couple of months- and she called later to "make sure (i) got in ok." for the record, that's "i'm making sure you went alone" in girl-speak. one call from someone who has a lot of potential-- and isn't THAT scary! i never really realized how rich my life has become until i stepped out of my routine and got a new perspective. it rocks!