Monday, October 02, 2006

Day 135

today, my person turned 31.
today, my person hit 240.
today, my person moved out of the morbidly obese category.

she has worked hard for the last 135 days, and she has lost 60#.
that comes out to .444 pounds a day.
she works out 3-4x a week.
she smiles a lot more.

she understands that her value should have never been in question.
she went to ny&co and bought off the rack.
she went to dinner and didn't feel like people were wondering why the fat girl needed to eat.
she wore a jacket that she bought a size too small 3 weeks ago, and it fit beautifully.

she threw out old reminders that were given as an emotional bribe because she realized that,
for the last few years, she allowed herself to be given scraps as payment for the security her presence gave.
it's time for a little freestyle.