so, the boy in question is an interesting mix. in a rare turn, when "artist" does not mean "unemployed," he is a photographer/constructon worker. carpenter's union card in one hand, bfa in the other. it works. it works particularly well for mp, because she tends to like people who are really good at something. it doesn't matter what it is, as long as they are passionate about it. he's very comfortable with himself, in every way, and mp (swear on my kong) has actually spoken to him on the phone for extended lengths of time without wanting to chew her arm off. no, really-- it's true!
they went to very cool little tapas bar, and he wasn't terribly offended when mp said, "wow our waitress is really cute." although... he did ask later if he would have to wonder if mp would be checking out women whenever they went out. mp promptly told him that she would be, and he laughed and said, "well, now i don't have to wonder." always a good sign.
he waited a whopping 7 hours after they said good bye to ask mp out again.
then again, this was his view for the evening:

eh, don't be too impressed, the top had a lot more room once the bra came off.