Sunday, November 19, 2006


today marks six months on mf.
mp is currently 227, which is 73# less than what she started with.
more importantly, it's 173# less than what she weighed at her largest.

mp cannot deny that she feels the loss should be more rapid. it feels weird to have something she is so intimately linked to (her body) fight her at every turn. clearly, mp's ass feels the need to hold on to every ounce of lard it can. i have spoken, ad nauseum, to her thighs; one day, they might listen.

in the mean time, we just keep hoping for the best-- and not eating the worst.

inside, mp still feels like she weighs 400#. i don't know how, if that will change. it kills me sometimes. the body issues, are (of course) compounded by the new enemy: sagging skin. she has it. her thighs look like they are melting. her stomache is getting weird lumps in the middle where the residual fat is gathered. it is depressing and humiliating.... but, it is ours. we purchased this body through years of neglect. it is my hope that constant rennovation will leave this structure inhabitable once more.