i see people who want fat acceptance to be common place. i agree that fat people are people; there is no reason or excuse for anti-fat discrimination. but if someone can choose to be fat, another should be able to choose to be thin. and yet, that is not the case with many people.
my person will never be thin. but she can be thick, chubby, what have you. she just chooses at this point to not be morbidly obese anymore. fat and fit is possible. my person was very healthy, even at her highest weight... until you look at the stress 400# put on her oints and the chronic fatigue she felt. so she chose change.
what bothers me is the fact that a lot of people in the f.a. movement look down on skinny people (particularly women). they will often comment on the anorexic and borderline underweight celebrities with disdain. why is the double standard acceptable? if fat and healthy is okay, why isn't anorexic and healthy? can one be anorexic and truly healthy? this pup doesn't know. can one truly be 300# and healthy?
Weight does impact health. It also impacts social standing and perceived attractiveness. It's true that this is probably not fair, but attraction isn't limited to weight alone. I know a lot of fit people with butter faces. My person, god love her, is a sucker for a thick latina. (really, she has no control around a cute, chubby, brown girl; it's sickening the way she'll act like a fool for a chunky babe.) The point is, we can't tell people that they must decide that fat people are hot. we can demand that they see fat people as equals, as valued members of society... but no one can dictate what one person finds attractive. would it be possible to convince someone deeply connected to the fat acceptance movement to find anorexic people attractive?
that's really all i want to say about that.
my person made a decision and has worked towards her goal safely, using diet and exercise. she did not have surgery. she does not force herself to purge. she uses self restraint and she sweats. i think that's freaking awesome. what i think is even better is the fact that she does not allow others to dictate how she should live-- no matter how much she likes them.

sadly, this picture is pretty representative of the way most people see fatties.
my person is fat. and, no matter how much weight she loses, she will still be a fat girl at heart for a long, long time.
but i'm sick of seeing people who demand one-sided "equality."