Sunday, May 21, 2006

Upon Further Examination... AKA Does This Garage Have Discount Passes?

i do know what to tell her!

i told her that #2 was a lying, cheating, conniving, selfish, arrogant, cruel, needy excuse for a human being.
i told her to get mad-- hold a grudge for a damn change.
i reminded her that in less than two weeks someone else was parking their car in that particular garage-- and that it had practically been offered up as a pay lot.
who wants their home to be a pay lot?
not me.
and, if my person has any sense of self preservation, not her.

my person has always been a little stupid when it comes to #2.
i, however, vow to piss on her leg the first chance i get.
life is funny sometimes, and i'm not always sure about why things happen...
but i do believe in karma.
and that woman has produced so much bad karma that people with terminal illnesses should be afraid to sit next to her. of course, in this case, she is the disease. who the hell else would, in the last discussion two people would ever have (and after starting her, uh, parking career mere days after a break up), actually ask the person she is destroying unmercifully, "do you think i look fat? am i gaining weight?"

it's all about her-- wouldn't want her to change now...
the answer is yes!
and as soon as she stops playing the scarf and barf game, she'll be back at 3, 400, easy.

my person, being soft, told her, "you look great. you look like everything i've ever wanted."
for the record, she only looked that way because my person loved her.
unconditional love buys things cosmetic surgery cannot.

unfortunately, you could gift wrap scruples and stick them under that woman's christmas tree and she still wouldn't get it.
so, let me do some easy math for all involved....
#2 + internalized homophobia = marriage to first attainable guy that looks at her = babies = fatty again = cheating = karma.
and after all that, daddy issues still aren't taken care of.
after all that, she still threw away the best thing she would ever have.
but, at least she got lots of validation.

and we all know validation is all it takes to get your car in and out of a garage.