so, my people finally broke up. it was ugly as you could ever imagine...
and i'm so sad.
my #1 person and i are sleeping on a floor and trying not to cry, trying not to think, trying not to feel.
but it's hard to not feel when someone has flayed off your skin.
i'm her bestest friend, but she lost her best friend, and i'm worried about her.
i'm worried for both of us.
i know i keep her anchored and here; that's my job. she keps me safe, so i try to do the same.
but i don't know how to put her heart back together.
i don't know how to make her feel like she has a home in this world.
i guess i'll just be here for her and not say anything when she drools on our pillow.
my other mommy's mom tried to kill me because she thiks that the only one that loves me is #1. and everyone is taking sides against #1... which is weird, because even mommy#2 says that #1 doesn't lie. so why did she do this to us? why did she throw us away?
i can't get #1 to eat. i can barely get her to drink a little water. and i've hidden all the booze in the house, because i don't want her to drink and dial. i want her to be ok. i want all of us to be ok... even #2...
i do not, however, want her to pour out her heart filled with tequila faith and get emotionally demolished.
she deserves better than that.
and i hate stinky hangover breath in the morning.
but i love her and she loves me. and we'll be ok even if it's just the two of us.
maybe i'll let her play with my kong. it aways makes me feel better.