in a time when a "friend" crapped on my person, leaving her low and in need of some puppy intervention kisses, it's amazing how the true friends come through. like magic, there they are, holding out their paws, er hands (which look really naked and stupid without fur by the way).
there's the guy from 15 years ago who floats in and out of her life like some sarcastic and loving angel.
there's the guy from 7 years ago that always makes time- even with his new wife.
there's the new girl who understands where my person is coming from because she's taken the same trip.
there's the casual friends who don't hold silences and time against her.
there's the friends who text at random times and always come up with something interesting.
there's me. i'm her best friend. she loves me even when my feet smell like fritos... or maybe because of it.
there's the single mom who can always make her smile.
there's the woman she almost... but didn't... but adores.
there's the friend of a former friend who ended up being a great friend even after the end.
there's the stranger in santa barbara who supports her goals and always has time to root in her corner.
there's the festival girl who didn't mind her 2 left feet. for the record, even i have better coordination....
there's the one she pisses off on accident and likes anyways.
there's the guy who has been so nice to her, for so many years that she is starting to wonder about his sanity. and she adores him for his constancy and stability. and all the random :o) he sends her just when she is feeling low.
there's a reason to smile in every one of these people. and maybe in a few others in time...
to all of you who appreciate and stand by my person, i give you a great big wag. you can play with my toys and drink out of my bowl anytime.