my person never had much faith -- and what she did have was all in one person.
there was a lot of faith there. it was endless, and unwaivering, and bright.
it was misplaced.
her faith really should have been in herself. it used to be.
but then, there are other issues of faith. doesn't faith really represent a commonality? a sense of community based in ideals? my person has never been much for organized religion. maybe not even the traditional god. and just when she was sinking again, tempted to stop wading out of the water, she found it.
non-judging. open and welcoming. liberal. non-traditional. intellectual. freeing.
maybe people gather in faith not because they need to validate their beliefs, but because they need each other to recharge and keep rolling when people who test our faith run us dry.
i mean, i know i'm just a puppy. but i have faith in my person. i know that i will always have water. i know i will always have food. i know she will always put me above her personal inmpulses. i know she will protect me. i know these things even though i don't know wha tomorrow will bring for us.
i know these things because i have faith.
and when faith is born out of love it really is spiritual.
don't get all weird on me now. i'm not going to go out and start collecting donations for our lady of the virgin pound puppy.
i'm just saying that faith does exist outside of religion.
and sometimes the people we loved like they are our saviors are the ones who will come closest to breaking our faith.
if those people are the only ones you believe in, it make it very hard to get out of the water.