Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Who Knew?

she called. after too many days of phone checks, chp finally called mp.
my person was just wrapping up at work, so she invited chp to join her at pimpy's. (really, you're no one to mp if she hasn't taken you to pimpy's.) as they sat there, mp ran through her checklist:
still bitchy?
hot without the uniform?
decent sense of humor?
check. (okay, half a check...)

but as mp sat there, half listening to chp, she realized that chp would sleep with her-- in the swinging monkey way, not the pillow top mattress way. and while mp was definitely interested (chp's boobs were surprisingly robust without her vest), she really wanted to be with the chickapea. yeah. i know; it surprised the hell out of me, too. after a while, mp excused herself and headed home to mull over what it might be like if she offered the pea... more.