Sunday, June 10, 2007

Public Service Announcement

tonight, on a very special cleopuptra...

PIMPTRESS: hung over?

MP: a little. i think i walked home in my chonies.

PIMPTRESS: oh, my god. you should not be drinking by yourself. you become a reckless tramp when you drink.

MP: i got to meet my neighbor. it's too bad that's the first time we've ever really spoken.

PIMPTRESS: do you remember your thoughts on the pea last night?

MP: no. but i think i told somebody "i love fucking you bestest" around 2 this morning.

PIMPTRESS: you were contemplating committing to her.

MP: oh. that would be bad, seeing as how i just played "wontcha be my neighbor."


MP: i think i might want to be committed to someone again... eventually. just not right now.

PIMPTRESS: yesterday you seemed kind of okay with the idea. take the risk!

MP: yeah, i probably was okay with it. then i got naked across the street. i doubt missa chickapea is okay with that kind of thing.

PIMPTRESS: yeah, but to each their own. was sex with your neighbor special?

MP: no. but the gingerbread man sharpied on my ass is.