see, mp is less than half the girl she used to be. in order to keep it that way, she's ha to modify a lot of things-- and alcohol intake is one of them. however, she started talking to the woman across the street about the power of a glass of good sangria, music, and dancing. it should be noted that mp has not really spoken to the woman at all in the years they've been neighbors. how did this conversation start? the woman pointed to the pink chucks that pimptress hates and said, "nice shoes."
hmmm. i'm a sheltered puppy, but i think that may have been a play on "nice shoes; wanna fuck?" then again, she may have just been tossing out a little sarcasm, because, well, the shoes are pink. since mp and neighbor girl were both lit an hour later, the world may never know.
the recipe went something like this:
two cans of Hansens Diet Tangerine Lime soda
one bottle of 2 Buck Chuck cabernet
one sliced apple
about one can diet Sunkist soda (more for a sweeter drink)

i'm pretty sure neighbor girl was cheating, because she always seemed to be heading for lollipop woods before mp even made it to the gumdrop pass. before you could say, "i'm lord licorice, here to spank lolly in front of king candy," mp had to keep taking things off. luckily, mp has always been a good loser.