just before mp was about to tell missa missa chickapea, "i'm not sure there's any chemistry" (sometimes followed by "i'm not sure there's not..." when she's trying to feel someone out/up), the chickapea made her move. and everything changed.
i'm not sure what the hell that woman did to my person, but homegirl is a wreck. she can't concentrate, she's showered repeatedly, she's gone for runs.... nothing works. missa missa chickapea broke mp. clearly, the aftermath is mutual, since the chickapea was reduced to incoherent babbling on this morning's voicemail, but mp now faces the tough decisions that she has been pushing off as she merrily dated her way through the alphabet.
poor geographically undesirable girl may end up the recipient of unleashed sexual frustration tomorrow. then again, i doubt g.u. girl will consider this a negative. i, on the other hand, have the decency to stay home and lick my own ass rather than try to get some poor girl to do it for me.