that's what mp says; in reality, i tell her what to do, and i happen to love our car... so! mp will keep the crv for my nana to use when her car finally dies of old age (it's on life support right now, but she wants to hit 250,000 miles on the same engine before she sends it to a farm in the country to play with other hondas). after the 1 series comes out in the spring, mp will decide between the 135i and the 335i. we appreciate all of your input and support through this ambivalent time. seriously, mp is always like this about buying a new car; it's a testament to the chickapea's high sex drive that she hasn't ditched my person for a less-neurotic model. then again, the pea has a couple of bimmer's of her own, so she gets it.
no. she doesn't.
on the way to the meeting today, mp was following a caravan of future-model cars, all covered in their vinyl padding, flanked by escort trucks. unfortunately, her casual camera was broken in a particularly vicious game of backseat twister, so all she got were lousy camera phone shots.
that doesn't mean she wasn't jumping in her seat like a monkey at what appeared to be ford's response to the matrix and the fit and a large suv that looked like a filled out explorer.

we did try to get a clean shot of the car, but the escort vehicles were flanking it pretty tight and shot-blocking.