"...we're at the beginning
We haven't fucked yet, but my head's spinning."
-- Liz Phair
mp and the chickapea went to the drive-in with only the best intentions. they even picked a block of movies with absolutely no sex appeal whatsoever-- 28 weeks later and disturbia. in the real world, those will kill any romantic goings-on, but in m-chicka-p-land the outside world is foggy and distant. sometimes, it's so distant that, 6 hours into their visit, mp realizes that her car battery is completely dead.
in any other relationship, this would be an issue; it might even be a reason for mp to get yelled at. in m-chicka-p-land, it's just another funny anecdote that the chickapea will amuse her friends over lunch. she took the dead batery news with a laugh and suggested more making out to celebrate the randomness of the stuff that happens while they are together.
it wasn't great timing; it wasn't a great location. it was perfect all the same.
later, mp did the walk of tramp, uh, shame... to the snack bar so that some teenager could laugh as he wheeled out the battery charger and asked what they were doing for so long that they forgot to crank the car.
mp held up the sweater she was carrying and replied that the answer, clearly, was knitting.