the chickapea, as she was getting ready to leave for another business trip, told mp to go to "their" starbucks, because something was waiting for her. mp (who had no intention of doing anything other than work) didn't know what to make of it. what if she'd had plans? what if she was with someone else? what if she just didn't wanna? she knew she couldn't blow it off though, considering the events of the night before, so she pulled on a pair of chucks and moseyed over the hill.
when she walked up to the counter and said, "uh, this is gonna sound weird...," all of the crew members smiled and nudged each other. they handed her a vase of beautiful flowers and a card that gave clues directing her to a secret location in the park to pick up a second package. the gesture was very sweet, and mp was surprised that the pea spent so much time on this when she needed to be getting ready for her flight.
on the other hand, the pea knows that particular starbucks is called "pimpy's" by those in the know, because it's where mp takes all of her potentials. it's also where mp picked up the cinnamon girl, and there's no doubt that c.g. will hear about the to-do. was the pea marking her territory? i'm voting that she was just trying to be sweet, but mp has her doubts... and mp is always one sudden movement away from a "ruuun, forrest, ruuun" moment.
then again, it's pretty adorable to picture the pea taking the time to make a mixed cd, package it with a cool billie holiday card, and tape it under a table in the park as the end of a scavenger hunt. and she did let mp watch the game without pouting about my person not wanting to hook up today. it's a tough call.
pimptress says mp is crazy, but she bought my person like that.