Friday, July 27, 2007

I Got Nothing

the pea's birfday is next week, and mp keeps asking for my opinion on what to get her. no matter what i suggest, it isn't good enough. "no, miz lilly, puppy cannoli isn't a good way to say 'happy birfday; thanks for letting me touch your special spots.' " clearly, mp doesn't know what she's talking about. for two of those, i'd let a tabby cat touch me. mp says it should be a little more mature.... she's already taking the pea to a show that night, but missa missa chickapea does little stuff for her all the time-- even though mp tells her not to. last saturday, there was a wrapped copy of harry potter waiting by the bed. hey! wait a second; it's not chocolate and pantyhose, but...

i'm gonna go have a talk with mp and try to find out what she really does for a living. in the meantime, if you have any suggestions about what she should get the pea, drop me a line. if it's good, i'll totally present the idea to my person like i came up with it all by myself, but it'll get me off of cookie restriction (something about being a smartass puppy when i told her to get the pea a nicer collar).