anyway, the hot lesbian purse was very nice, extremely intelligent, creative, funny, and happy. this, of course, meant hlp was treated to mp's nervous-talking thing. apparently, hlp thought it was hilarious and only added to mp's charm. after the coffee hour(s), hlp suggested the mosey. mp contained herself, but inside she was doing a monkey dance; the girl just loves a good mosey. they found one of the last pay phones in existence.

the bathroom tiles surrounding it, combined with the suspicious puddle on the ground lead me to think that someone confused this with a vegas suite.
now, g tells mp that she should quit while she's ahead; "leave em wanting more." he hates the fact that mp allows her coffee meetings to roll into full-on dates. really, he should just be impressed that mp finds hot girls that think her inadvertant stand-up comedy routine is appealing. seriously, up until this point, hlp had been treated to a gigglefest--complete with shadow puppets. everything was on the table, because mp is painfully honest. and... it doesn't take much to see that train wreck coming.
three and a half hours later, mp blurted out, "i like boobs," to the very... uh, big-hearted... hlp.
it's hard to capture the timing and explain how out-there this was. slow motion replay: mp's look of horror, the balloon of hlp's cheeks, the knowledge that mp would be getting a well-deserved shower... but hlp managed to swallow what she was drinking before she declared that to be the funniest shit anyone's ever said to her. clearly, she will change her mind after a few more mp-adventures. after mp walked her to her car, she told hlp about the amazing date survey. hlp practically woke up the neighbors... but she loved the idea and agreed to fill one out. her suggestion is that mp continues her dating adventures with a tape recorder in her pocket so that she can transcribe the shit that comes out of her mouth after and make a career change.
i hope lp sticks around and becomes a friend; she's good for mp. my person smiles a lot these days, and lp could keep up with every grin. even better, she's totally okay with the occassional lack of eye contact-- and never once said, "uh, i'm up here."