Wednesday, January 17, 2007

He'd Take A Chamber Pot For Her....

a funny thing happened on the way to the honda center. for whatever reason, the topic of why men walk closer to the street than the women they escort came up. apparently, it had something to do with the emptying of chamber pots from windows. s.a.c.w.g. declared he'd take a chamber pot for mp. mp declared that was a one-way deal. he was okay wih it, much like he was ok with it 2 hours later when mp blurted out, "wow! that girl has really big boobs."

in all fairness to my tourette's girl, they did kinda get places way before the rest of her did. i'm just saying.

it was actually a good night. it was fun, relaxed, and uncomplicated.... and we all know how mp is about keeping things uncomplicated. it reminded us, again, that mp deserved a hell of a lot better than what she settled for. it also reminded her that she no longer has to get up in the middle of the cold night to wring out someone's hair and hanging it up to dry... and that people who take stuff like that for granted are at the bottom of the narcissistic barrel. there's a story about this that will be shared later....

a quick note to all of you fly-by mfers that left the game early last night:
at playoff time, you will be the first weasels in line, trying to snatch up tickets because you are "die hard fans."
few things are more annoying than watching people chase the band wagon.
next time they stink it up, sit your fucking asses down and cheer.
our house; our team. good- bad- winning- losing- injured- healthy- tired- energized--
our house; our team.