it's finally here. the leaves are back on the trees, and once again my squirrel friends are ready to play. i hope that bastard who bit me last year doesn't come back. who knew that telling him to stop wasting his life trying to bust a nut would be so inflammatory? he's a squirrel for cryin out loud.
speaking of crying out loud...
could all the nighbourhood cats take up slumming-- elsewhere?
really. black cat with the white tail... you're a ho. i know it; you know it; the neighbourhood knows it. i do gotta ask you, though-- where did you get that collar with a coin purse attached? i'm just... curious. really. oh, don't judge me, trollop!
so, i'm coming out. not like my person did a few years ago.... i mean, i'm not gonna start humping every girl that looks at me or anything. really.