there was delicious food, great live music, and a view.

the tramp had the audacity to stumble back home the day next around 2pm.
where are my tapas? where is my delicious chicken ajillo? where's my wine-soaked orange?
here's a better question, mp: where are your favorite shoes? huh? think you'll be seeing those again any time soon? oh, that's right. now, look in the closet. i left a sup-pr-eyes for you. i hope you wished for poopy this year, because i'm on strike and my puppy manners are going with me if you think you'll be leaving me home with nana the next time you go out carousing. we roll together, or i slap the training wheels back on you, biatch!
cafe sevilla has really turned itself around from the lousy, obnoxious place that first opened in the lb. now, the service is courteous, management takes concerted measures to make sure everyone is happy, and the music is no longer sub-par. the food was exceptionally good and the wine a perfect balance of sweet and strong. even better for us, we can walk there (and back), so my buzzed mp can serenade everyone on the way. those tourists were very impressed with her "i'm crossing the street" dance.