Tuesday, March 27, 2007

If You're Geographically Undesirable and You Know It, Honk Your Horn

g.u. girl called mp last night, right as mp was about to dial her number. (oddly enough, the exact same thing had happened with pimptress 3 minutes prior. mp must have her psychic friends network auto-dialer turned on.) once again, mp was amazed at g.u. girl's ability to keep her engaged for long periods of time without the typical arm-chewing, eye-rolling, and general grumpiness mp feels when women want to talk about their feelings.

offering to show some boobage probably helped, but that just attests to g.u. girl's level of mp-awareness.

that is one savvy chicken. in fact, she's got mp's number so down, that when mp actually offered to do the drive this saturday, she busted out with, "i don't want you to come here until you're attached to me, because i know you'll do the drive once, figure out it's too far, and i'll never hear from you again."

the girl has a point.

on the other hand, she's a short, stable, hot latina... and there's something to be said for that. then again, gas is over $3 a gallon.
but! she didn't react badly when mp hit on the target cashier... while she was still on the phone with g.u. girl.

it's a tough call, but i'm thinking the latest round goes to g.u. for general grace, savviness, and humor.
god knows, if you want to date my person, you better have a sense of humor.