Friday, February 26, 2010

Slower, Sweeter, and Dirtier

What no Kiss?!

US hockey has had it's way with Kips 4 times in 10 minutes. I hope we at least have the manners to call him in the morning and thank him for a good time.

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Say Fleas!

mp asked me what i was dreaming about to make me smile like that. i told her i was thinking about our last trip to the park...
but i was really thinking about the lab down the street.

Sunday, February 21, 2010

It's Time, It's Time, It's Time!

US v Canada starts in 3 minutes! and to get you in the mood... SHRIMP FRIED RICE!

My Super Power

i can sleep anywhere.

Friday, February 19, 2010

Guilty Pleasures #2

...oh, for so many reasons.

we're laughing with you.

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Wednesday Swing Time!

yeah, it's a little early, but mp and i just got back from dancing on the bluff... and we feel goooood!

Monday, February 15, 2010

Dirty, Crazy Fun

CHP: has your life just been one g-damn party for the last four years?
MP: yes, yes, it has.
CHP: so... you do all the ridiculous crap you do...
MP: ...and have a career, a beach house, money, and filthy sex. right.
CHP: I fucking hate you.
MP: but wait! I have a registered offender stalking me. that's not good. it's why you're bringing me oc spray, remember?
CHP: I'm about to use the spray on you.
MP: just leave your extra set of cuffs; the pea's coming over later.

Wednesday, February 03, 2010

All Play and No Work...

makes me a happy pup.