Friday, April 24, 2009

Game 5 in 21 hours

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Sunday, April 19, 2009

Into a Nap...

a little puppy must fall.

it's hot, but i'm here to support mp's painting career. what? that's not a career? then why the hell are we doing it for every woman that asks? have you seen my ear? seriously, butter yellow semi-gloss isn't a good look for me.

Let's Go Ducks!

face off is at 7pm.

we're hunting shark!

The First Time

this week, the pea will be babysitting me.

mp has never let anyone she dates take care of me.

i think this must be my new stepmom.

Half Blind

as mp's eye heals, she's been getting a lot of pirate jokes.

yes, she wears aaaargh-yle.

yes, she drives a caaaargh.

yes, she knows all the booty jokes.

what hurts the most is having people try to excuse her love of sandra oh with blindness. dude. that woman is hot. now, make like a squirrel and get off our nuts!

Friday, April 10, 2009

Getting Better All the Time

the colors don't really come through in this photo, but the overall effect is awesome. after mp was done with the accent wall, she called the pea and made her come over after work. then they just kinda sat on the couch, making out, to see if it was "a relaxing environment." i'm going to need a lot of therapy... so i'd say they were pretty relaxed.

the living room is gorgeous. our bedroom will be done by the end of the weekend. after that, it's time to gut the kitchen.

the awesome part: next weekend is grand prix weekend, and we'll be ready to roll.

Tuesday, April 07, 2009

Let's Go Ducks!

our playoff strips are here! now all we need is to get the guys to the playoffs.

Sunday, April 05, 2009


now, it's time for crown molding, baseboards, and the accent wall.

mp was so proud of me today. i only barked at one person, and my whiskers were only a teeny bit blue.

Brendan Mikkelson Sucks

yeah... that's about it.

we need you back, franky!

Saturday, April 04, 2009

I'm Gorgeous!

mp gave me a bath today and put my new summer outfit on me. it's so pretty... and it goes with our new home in both theme and color.

Primed and Ready

after a slight mix up, golden west shutters got the kitchen shutter made and installed in less than a week. the installer is one of the nicest, most efficient people in the world. he's also very gay-boy hot. the new look changes the kitchen so much that mp is considering refacing the cabinets, rather than completely gutting the kitchen.

in addition, the living room is primed, the ceiling is painted, the paint is purchased, and mp has a half schedule this week. we're getting there!

Wednesday, April 01, 2009

So... Uh, Thanks

one night with the pea has turned into two years with the pea.

it's kind of weird to think about it, but my person isn't pressured so all three of us are happy. well... maybe mp could be a little smoother. "hey. guess what... you've been putting up with me for two years. thanks. :-) " probably isn't the most romantic gesture. then again, it's better than last weekend when she clubbed the girl and dragged her back to our cave.

More Phal-lacies

god love the pimptress.